Tuesday, May 5, 2009

pub life

Laura, Brit, Me, Caitlin, Kim

At 24 years old I figured it was about time I break into the good life, the after hours life, the life where paying money for lots of stiff drinks seems reasonable, the life where a valid ID proving my age is necessary to enter certain buildings....yes, I made my break into pub life. With five of the most innocent looking girls around we made our way to Punch and Judy Pub in Covent Garden for some late night entertainment. We tried to sneak past the bouncer but he caught us. Unfortunately Caitlin didn't have her ID, so she had to work her magic for the guard to let her in. Luckily the drinking age is 18 in England so we all made the cut off.
I didn't know how great pub life would really be. Something about the musty smell of a 200 year old pub, and the aroma of British fare wafting through really set the mood. I loved it.

Don't worry. I didn't partake of anything more potent than a piece of hot fudge cake.


  1. Looks like a great time! I hope that cake tasted good! :)

  2. brandt you crack me up! i hope you enjoyed the cake.

  3. you lil devils! sounds thrilling- experiencing the pub-night-life has now entered itself onto "my list of things i have to do before i die." thanks to you guys for that! it's been way fun reading up on your adventures. can't wait to hear more!

    p.s. did you hear that i finally met/ hung out with christi (sp?), emma & eva??

  4. p.p.s. i'm lovin the blog layout. the white is PERFECTO. :)
